Starting Weather: Sunny 55°
Ending Weather: Mostly Sunny 59°
Distance Covered: .68 miles
Time: 10:33 AM - 11:23 AM

Today I had taken the day off, in order to spend some time on the trail during the early stages of color change. Our first stop was on the side of the road near the Route 82 bridge, so we could take photos from the bridge, looking down onto the towpath. Not a lot of color yet, but still beautiful. We then went down to the park to take photos from the towpath. There was a little color, but not much. It's so random in the wild. Our next stop was Rockside Road, where we walked for awhile. Kay hadn't really spent any time here since last winter. On the way home we stopped off at the Vanderhoof trailhead, just to see if anything was going on color-wise.
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