Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30 - Walnut to Warmington

Canada Goose hiding gosling in its wings
I know - another Canada Goose - big deal! But if you look closely at the goose's feathers, you can see that she is hiding a little one in there. It may be because several minutes earlier, Kay saw a hawk trying to have a gosling snack!
Today Kay dropped me off at the trail off Walnut Road. There is an interruption of the trail north of Walnut, and no place to park. So out I went, and she headed to Warmington Road. It was a warm, beautiful day, with blue, blue skies. I saw a huge turtle on a log, but before I could take a photo, it plopped into the water. A nice hike, and some new territory covered.

The cycle of life
Nature's not always pretty
Only some survive

Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 29 - Clinton

Tonight we went to the Clinton trailhead, with the plan being to focus on the pond to the south. Nothing going on there, so we walked back to the north side of the trail. It was a beautiful evening. I heard some birds chirping in a tree above me, and lo and behold, there were two Baltimore Orioles frolicking up there. Kay got some beautiful shots with her long lens. I liked how the bridge looked with the glow of the setting sun. Still one of my favorite spots!

Always something new
If you stop, look and listen
Who knew they were there?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28 - Summit Lake

Canada Geese with goslings
Mallard with ducklings
Today we went to Summit Lake, in an attempt to spot some fancy migrating water fowl. Bad news: All we saw were Mallards and Canada Geese. Good news: They had babies in tow. The geese were a little far away and i didn't get a great view of the goslings. The ducks swam mush closer, and were the ducklings ever cute. there were so many of them! Mom swam with the kids, while dad stood guard near the shore. Another sign that sping is here!!

We know spring is here
Ducklings, goslings, puffs of fuzz
Everything is new

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27 - Manchester Road

Today is the second Muir birthday of the spring - Jim turned 25 today. I talked to him on the phone while I was walking on the trail at Manchester Road trailhead. The clouds were pretty again today, but the shadows were so long and harsh when I got there at around 6 P.M. I was hoping to see some exotic ducks coming off the Portage lakes, but, alas, only the mallard was in evidence! I walked for awhile, and talked to Kay on the phone. We decided to meet at Center Road for awhile before heading home. (She'd had her mom at the Cleveland Clinic all afternoon.) Unfortunately, by the time we got to Center Road, it was starting to get dark, and nothing much was going on. We headed home to watch the Cavs put away the Bulls.

Chilly but sunny
Fluffy clouds filling the sky
Happy Birthday, Jim!

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26- Lock 4 Park

It rained all day long today, so I planned to take the day off from the trail, as difficult as that would be. I went home after work and did a few things, and then - wouldn't you know - it stopped raining! I had no choice but to go out for awhile. I texted Kay, who was still in class, and asked her if she wanted to meet me at Lock 4 Park. You see, Lock 4 Park is 10 minutes from our house, so we sometimes dash down The sun's glow was making everything orangish. There is a beautiful horse chestnut tree, with branches flowing out over the lock. And the little red lock keeper's house replica is always good for adding a splash of color in any season. It had already been almost 7:30 when we arrived, so it got dark pretty quickly. At least I haven't had to miss a day in April yet!

Rainy, rainy day
Sun breaks through - it's not too late
Color everywhere

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25 - Clinton

Today I didn't have a lot of time to spend. Jim and Katie are here and we are celebrating Jim's birthday today in Copley. The kids decided to have lunch with friends, so i stopped in Clinton. The clouds were big and puffy against the blue skyy when i arrived - just how I like them. The longer I was there, the darker the sky became, and by the time I got back to my car, it was raining. I saw another gnat-catcher though and some bluebirds. I also saw my first mayapples of the year. This remains one of my favorite sections of the trail.

Pretty Clinton trail
Big, white, fluffy, puffy clouds

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24 - Lake Street, Forty Corners

It was supposed to rain all day, but of course, that didn't happen. We started the day where we left off yesterday- at the bar and grill at Forty Corners. I took some photos of a buckeye tree. The flowers are blooming and the beautiful leaves have sprouted. We also went to Lake Street and there was an MS walk going on. Lots of people walking, both people with MS, and those walking to support them. It was turning into a rather pretty day.

Rainy forecast wrong
People walking for a cause
Beautiful buckeye!

Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23 - Warmington Ave. North

We went to the Warmington Ave., John Glenn Grove trailhead after work. Our goal was to check on the goose nest. My hopes were not high that this would be anything other that a routine hike. Of course, since the last time we were here, April 2, things were much greener and there were a lot more blossoms everywhere. We saw a robin building a nest, a blue-gray gnatcatcher (had never even heard of one before) and some white trillium! The goose was sitting on her nest very intently, almost looking like she was playing possum. Everything is so green. We walked beyond the point where we left off last time, and found that the trail went uphill behind the Massillon Water treatment plant and Indian River School. We could also see the stores that we passed on the way here that we thought - from our vantage point - were much farther north. As the trail passes behind the water plant, it borders the Tuscarawas River, which is very wide at this point. It is beautiful here, between the trees, the river and a series of wooden bridges and boardwalks over which the trail passes. We walked all the way to the point where the trail starts running next to Route 21 again. We turned around because it was starting to get late, and we had no bug spray, flashlights or even water. (we walked father than we'd planned, as often happens.) The plan next time is for Kay to drop me off on Walnut, as there is nowhere to park. I can then explore the trail between Walnut and where we left off today. Can't wait!

Trillium growing
Wide Tuscarawas River
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22 - Vanderhoof South

After work, one of those days I'd just planned to go home and relax. It was so nice out though, that I was compelled to stop on the trail, at least for a bit.
I drove to Vanderhoof Rd. and walked south in search of feathered friends. I love watching spring unfold; every day things are a little greener! A few birds were in evidence, but this isn't the great birding spot it had been a few times during the winter. I didn't stay out long, saw some red-winged blackbirds, brown-headed cowbirds and robins. Very few people on this part of the trail this evening!

Spring still bursting forth
Blackbirds, cowbirds and robins
Making their music

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21- Bridgeport Quarry

Today was a double header. I stopped at the Bridgeport Quarry trailhead at lunch, as I was in massillon this afternoon. It was in the low 60's with lots of sunshine and big, puffy clouds. Two turkey vultures were circling not far above my head. I kept seeing thier huge shadows on the trail. I only walked for about half a mile before turning around. Nothing extraordinary, just a pleasant, seasonal spring day.
After work, Kay and I met at Lock 4 Park. It was so late though, that we just managed to get a few shots of the sunset, before calling it a night.

Vultures flying low
Favorite big puffy cloud day
Just a break from work

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20 - At the Fishin' Hole

Today after work, I drove to the Lake Lucerne trailhead. This is a part of the trail I had walked by before, but I hadn't parked here and started from here. There were a few people fishing. A young woman had a rather large fish which jumped right out of her hands onto the trail. The last time I had been here, it was the dead of winter. Everything is so green now. I walked to the Market Street side of the trail in Canal Fulton. Not much going on tonight. Just watching some of spring's subtle, and not-so-subtle changes in the landscape.

People fishing now
Plop! The fish wants to hike too
No trace of winter

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 - Crystal Springs

Today was an after-work jaunt. I had planned to take the day off from the trail, but it was so nice and sunny out. I drove to the Crystal Springs trailhead, but ran into a detour on my way. Once I crossed the bridge from the parking lot to the trail, I immediately saw that the trail was closed going south. It said "Closed for mowing," but there was a back hoe park on the trail. I proceeded to walk north. Right away I saw two male cardinals. When one moved to a lower branch, the other followed. This pattern repeated itself until they were both on the ground duking it out. I'm sure it had to be over a woman! I also heard the melodious song of the Eastern Towhhee, but he wouldn't cooperate with my photo efforts. I didn't walk far, and as I neared the parking lot, I saw a downy woodpecker drilling away on a tree. My photo revealed several drill holes in the tree with something oozing out!
The greening of the trail continues daily and is so fun to watch. It's hard to believe that not that long ago, we could barely walk the trails, they were so snow covered!

Detour, trail closure
Cardinals fighting, towhee's song
I dilly-dally

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18 - I Own the Barberton Towpath!

Today I decided to finish as much of the Barberton segment as possible. Kay and I went to the Snyder Road trailhead and started walking north. She realized she'd brought the wrong lens. She asked if she could go back to the car and drive to the next trailhead, where she's meet me. I agreed, thinking the next trailhead was about half a mile up. Normally I wouldn't care, but this was a creepy day and a creepy area, and no one else was around. When it turned out there was no trailhead where I'd thought and that Kay would have to drive even farther north, leaving me to walk alone that much farther, I was not a happy hiker. Lo and behold, I finally saw her walking towards me from the southern trailhead on Fairview.
We walked up to the State Road bridge (where I'd left off last Sunday)and back. Went to the car and drove south on Vanderhoof, where we could see the trail under construction just to the west. As soon as that's done, a huge section of trail will flow uninterrupted. Can't wait!

A car on the trail
Litter strewn in the canal
Not my favorite spot

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17 - Beaver Marsh Majesty

Today was a pre- dawn trip to the Beaver Marsh. Even though we left shortly after 6 a.m., it was already fairly light when we arrived. The skies were cloudy and dramatic with the remnants of sunrise. Wood ducks galore, chickadees nesting in a tree stump, and a beaver couple frolicking, were just a few of the sights we enjoyed. It was diffeent today from last time - colder and cloudier and a little subdued.
We stopped up at Boston Mills Road and walked to Stumpy Basin, north of peninsula. We were able to see where the trail had been before the movement of the river eroded it. That section of trail has been re-done with a lengthy boardwalk. Of course, two of our favorite bridges are on the section of the trail - the bridges carrying I-271 and I-80.
Since it was "on our way home," we stopped back at the Beaver Marsh, just in case there was something we'd missed. To our delight, a Great Blue heron was standing in the marsh, just posing away for us in all his splendor. We got to watch him preening as he pondered his next meal.

No beach, no mountains
But heaven on earth for us
Watch nature's cycles

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16 - Storm Chasing through Canal Fulton

Today was a strange weather day: low 60's, raining one moment, sunny the next. We met at St. Helena Heritage Park in Canal Fulton. We walked down the path to a bridge over the canal, accessed by climbing iron stairs. The bridge is flanked by two large spruce trees. Even though it started pouring while we were on the bridge, the trees sheltered us from the deluge. We took a lot of pictures of the clouds and walked north to see what we could see. Not much going on today. I even stopped at Lock 4 Park on my way home, but didn't stay long.

Rainy day, stayed close to home
Drama in the sky
A spruce for an umbrella

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15 - Lock 4 Park

Another after work quickie walk today. We went to one of our favorite sites, Lock 4 Park in Canal Fulton. The park is very picturesque, and with the glow of the setting sunning, the trees and the ponds looked exceptionally pretty. We didn't see a whole lot, except for some mourning doves, who seem to like it here. Kay saw her nesting woodpecker briefly, but she wasn't posing for a portrait today. This is a popular site with lots of trail traffic, but also lots of fishing going on. Always lots of color here, even in the winter, thanks to the little red brick lock keeper's house!

How did we miss it?
This lush spot so close to home
Neighborhood haven

April 14 - Lake Street

Working in Massillon this evening, so off to Lake Street for awhile between clients. This is a favorite spot because it has more "wide open space" than most sections of the trail. We came here often this winter, and it is so different now. Leaves and blossoms are sprouting and even in full bloom everywhere. Red-winged blackbirds are plentiful and make their presence known with their song. The ubiquitous robin (at least at this time of year) was also a presence. I was hoping to catch a hawk sitting in a tree along I-21, but no such luck. Sometimes there are lots of geese and ducks in or near a widening of the river here, but I spotted one goose. A pleasant walk, now back to work!

Blackbirds and blossoms
Looks like you're done for, winter
See you all too soon!

April 13 - Back to the Duck Pond - if only for a moment!

Tonight I had an errand in Copley, so stopped in Clinton again to search for killdeer. I only stayed a few minutes, and did see some killdeer, but they remained uncooperative! We have killdeer in our tiny backyard every summer and they don't seem at all skittish, but these guys.. I took some photos, but again, just too far away. Not much else going on here today, so I left. Just wasn't feeling very inspired.

Oh killdeer, killdeer
With your broken-wing display
You protect your young

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12 - Clinton Duck Pond

Today was an after work stop. Kay had class so I decided to go someplace close. I opted to drive to Clinton and walk south on the trail. There is a large pond to the west of the trail and canal to the east. Geese and ducks were plentiful, but today I spotted something new on the trail - killdeer. Although the geese will let you snap photos of them all day long, and even the mallards will pose most of the time, the killdeer kept running from me. I stayed at the pond area for a few minutes, but then kept walking. Everything is so much greener than last time I was here, back in March. There are panoramic views of the Tuscarawas River from the part of the trail, and some marshy areas to the east. Lots of bike riders and joggers shared the trail with me today. I turned back after a little more than a mile in, thinking I'd try to catch some photos of the killdeer. By this time however,, the light was leaving and couldn't find any killdeer in the immediate vicinity. I spend some time taking photos of a Canada Goose in silhouette. I'll come back again for the killdeer!

To the pond they flock
Soon the next generation
We will watch with care

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11 - Barberton - Residential Towpath

Today I was on my own. I drove to the Manchester Road trail head, near Lake Nesmith and walked southwest. This is a part of the trail I had not yet hiked. Today was more of an exploratory hike so I wasn't working too hard to take a lot of exotic photos. It was an interesting part of the trail because for the first couple miles, the trail and canal were directly behind the local residents' back yards. Lots of folks were outside today, mowing their lawns, working in their gardens, relaxing on their decks. I almost felt as if I were invading their privacy.
I walked to the bridge for State Street and turned around. I encountered quite a few bicyclists on the trail, as well as walkers and joggers. I even saw an older couple whizzing around in a small motor boat. Towards the end of my walk, I saw an interesting-looking duck swimming around with 3 mallards. The duck was much larger, with a black body and a mallard-like green head. A hybrid of some sort, very handsome too.

Do they understand?
History in their backyards
Nature's beauty too

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10 - Almost Paradise - Beaver Marsh

Today was supposed to be a pre-sunrise trip to the Beaver Marsh. The sunrise came and went as the photographers slept. We did get there fairly early, though, and it was more wondrous than we could have imagined. The area around the boardwalk was virtually teaming with wildlife. Ducks and geese and swallows dominated the wetlands, but nearby were birds of a multitude of species. We were too late to spy any beaver, but saw plenty of squirrels, turtles, and even some spiders! There was so much to see, we could barely photograph fast enough.
Afterwards I walked from Botzum to the valley.
Then we went to Zoar and I walked from Canal Lands Park in Zoar to the bridge in Zoarville.

So much to see, hear
Almost overwhelmed, not quite
And all nature made

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9 - Forty Corners and the Riverside Grille

Today Kay and I met when I was done with work. We went to the Forty Corners trailhead and walked to Highmill. Lots of plants springing up all over, blossoms too. We saw lots of squirrels, some of them babies, and heard lots of birds.
The maple leaves are so pretty and tiny and delicate. They are light green and look like they should be in a salad.
As luck would have it, there is a restaurant at the trailhead, Riffle's Riverside Bar & Grille. We had fried fish and it was very tasty indeed. A nice evening!

Spring exploration
Baby squirrels, maple leaves
Relax, no hurry

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8 - Spring is Everywhere!

Today was a departure from our summer-like weather. I went out after work to the Center Road trailhead. It was a brisk 50 degrees and cloudy. If not for all the green, the daffodils and the beech blossoms, I would have sworn I was back in early March. It was nice to just take it all in, to see the subtle differences even from yesterday. I haven't felt this in tune with nature and the changing seasons in a very long time. Maybe that's why almost every time I'm on the trail, I remember incidents and feelings I experienced as a child. It's kind of an emotional deja vu. I have felt these feeling before, many years ago. And what good feelings they are!

Chilly but splendid
Childhood feelings coming back
Add to the delight!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7 - Sunrise and Moonrise at Lock 4 Park

Since we'd had such an enjoyable evening at Lock 4 Park the day before, we decided to come back for sunrise. We were hoping to catch some animals getting ready to go to sleep. No such luck. We did, however, get to see the moon just above the trees and we stalked some mourning doves and robins.
I didn't get off work until 7:30 tonight, but we decided to meet again at Lock 4 and try to find the Flickers. It was just too dark - not enough light to photograph birds without a tripod. The sunset was pretty though, so it was not a wasted trip!

Early morning, late evening
So much wonder to take in
Ever steadfast moon

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6 - Picnic at Lock 4 Park

After work today, we met at Lock 4 Park. It is a very scenic little area in Canal Fulton, with a lock, a lock tender's house, a picnic area, and a lake-like setting. We ate our salads, then set off for adventure. The most exciting part of the evening was catching a group of Northern Flickers frolicking in some tall sycamore trees. We photographed them until we ran out of light, then went back and took photos of the sunset in this pretty park setting.

Noisy and showy
The Flickers entertain us
Much to our delight!

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5 - Practicing Patience with Feathered Friends

Today I stopped at the Vanderhoof trailhead and walked south. My mission was to listen and watch for birds, with patience. For every tweet and chirp, I stopped, listened, and searched. I tried to avoid the pitfall of assuming there would be nothing out there but robins and cardinals and sparrows. This line of thinking really paid off, as I was able to photograph some new and different species today, including the close relative of the robin - the wood thrush, and a couple I haven't even identified yet!

They make themselves heard
Quite often they can be seen
Will they pose for me?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4 - Center Road to Clinton

Today is Easter. The Copley Boys are coming over to watch the Cavs and have dinner. Because of this, I didn't have much time for hiking. I went to the Center Road trailhead and walked south to Clinton. On the way, I saw, and heard, and photographed lots of birds. My favorite was an Eastern Towhee. I hadn't even realized what it was until I got home an looked at my photos. I also heard the raucous frolicking of several very adorable baby squirrels. They were very fast, but i did manage to snap a few shots of them.
It was another splendid day, warm and sunny. I wanted to stay out longer, but had too much to do.
By the way, today is the 28th birthday of my oldest son, John. Happy Birthday, John!

Easter, John's birthday
A magnificent spring day
Happy Birthday, John!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3 - Rockside, Brecksville, Clinton

She's detail, I'm big picture. She stalks, I like surprises. She's journey, I'm destination. I travel light, she brings everything but the kitchen sink. Can this photographic partnership possibly work?
As you might have guessed, it works very well. Between the two of us, we are able to cover just about any photographic scenario on the towpath.
Today Kay planted herself in Brecksville on the towpath just north of the eagles' nest. Meanwhile, I headed to Rockside Road and walked south to the Canal Visitor center. It was another gorgeous day. I saw lots of turtles in the canal. They were more than willing to pose for me, too. There were plenty of birds out there as well.
When I arrived back at Rockside Road, I drove to Breckville, stopping for drinks and salads on the way. I walked to where Kay was stationed and took some shots of the eagles myself. We then packed up and went back to the car. We decided we'd had enough for one day, but as we were driving down Route 21, we noticed that the skies were becoming very dramatic-looking. We made the decision to stop in Clinton, which is right on our way home. here we took off like mad women taking shot after shot of the sky. We saw turkey vultures perched in trees and circling above; the sky was filled with them off to the east.
Today was a long day, but as usual, a very enjoyable one on the trail.

So much in one day
Turtles don't hurry like me
Slow down and enjoy!

Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2 - Signs of Spring

Today we went back to the Warmington Road trailhead, and walked north. We were immediately amazed by the signs of springs everywhere. We saw some blossoms that looked like kiwis and buzzing around them was a bee - the first bee we've seen this year! We also saw some more wildflowers, lots of turtles, and trees alive with blossoms. We came across Canada Goose sitting on her nest, with her vigilant mate close by. We walked underneath Route 30,and we love our bridges! I'm always amazed at how different the various sections of the trail are from each other. all unique in their own ways. We hadn't been here before, but enjoyed the trail and the many unmistakable signals that spring is here to stay!

Our first bee this year
Each first is so exciting
Thing we've missed before

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1 - Beech Trees and White Pines and Snakes, Oh My!

Today it was in the high seventies and sunny, even it was early evening. This was a section of the trail we hadn't walked before. I had been on it about a year and a half ago, but this was the first time this year. We had been to the area of the trailhead several times and had been to Eastern Road where the trail ends temporarily, but this was our first time walking from Vanderhoof to Eastern. The first thing we saw were tiny snakes slithering across thee trail. We also noticed many tall beech trees, more than we had seen anywhere else on the trail. Finally, there were multiple white pine tress, another unusual sight on the towpath. I'm constantly amazed by the uniqueness of each section of the trail we visit. each section is beautiful, but in its own way. As I walked along the trail today and enjoyed feeling the sun, I marveled at how the part of the trail was so nearby where I lived, yet I had been here only one other time.

Towering beech trees
Snakes slithering on the trail
Each path so unique