Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 29 - Eastern Road and Vanderhoof

New footbridge near Eastern Road

Starting Weather: Sunny 30 °
Ending Weather: Sunny 32°
Distance Covered:  2.45 miles

Time: 12:03 PM - 2:35 PM
Red-shouldered Hawk going after its prey

White-throated Sparrow and House Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Today was very exciting because we walked a section of the trail that we had not been on before.  It was a part of the trail that started at Eastern Road and went north and then west.  We had been here many times before but the trail had signs indicating that it was closed.  We spoke to some park staff one time, and they told us that construction was being done, but that sections of the trail were tied up in litigation with the property owners.  Today the sign said that the trail was closed .5 mile ahead.  We ventured forward and walked for at least three-quarters of a mile before we saw another sign saying that the trail was closed from that point on.  We walked over a brand new footbridge at one point, and I heard a rustling off to the side.  I looked down and saw a young deer between the bridge and a chain-link fence.  The deer looked panicked.  I called to Kay, who was about 20 yards behind me.   She was able to get a few photos of the animal as it crossed under the bridge and came out the other side.  It ran northwest, and we did not see it again.
Afterwards, we stopped at Vanderhoof to take some bird photos.  It was a very pretty, sunny, relatively warm day - perfect for some winter bird shots!

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