White-breasted Nuthatch |
Black-capped Chickadee |
Starting Weather: Cloudy 35°
Ending Weather: Cloudy, Sprinkling 37°
Distance Covered: 1.25 miles
Time: 11:25 AM - 2:18 PM
Grebe with fish |
Runner on the trail near I-80 bridge |
I-80 bridge at first snowfall |
Black-capped Chickadee |
Blue Jay |
Northern Cardinal |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Today we had our first snow of the season. We decided to go to the Beaver Marsh. When we got off the freeway in Peninsula, the trees looked beautiful, covered with a dusting of snow. We decided to go north at first to Boston. We were able to capture some photos of snow there, but not much. Either it was already melting, or some areas just didn't get much snow. By the time we arrived at he Beaver Marsh, there was no evidence of snow. What we did see, however, were scores of "backyard birds" on the trail. We noticed that someone had thrown sunflower seeds on the trail, and the birds were taking full advantage. Although it seemed like cheating, we were snapping away at the chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, sparrows, blue jays and cardinals. We even saw some Cedar Waxwings feasting on some berries on our way out. At the Beaver Marsh itself, we watched a pie-billed grebe fishing, and caught it with a fish in its mouth. We also saw a Great Blue heron perched on a log in the canal, motionless throughout the whole time we we there!
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