The password is snow, at least a foot of it. Our neighbors, shoveled our drive and Kay forged through Agate to get us to the Clinton Trail Head. No where to park and nothing plowed, including the Clinton trail head parking lot. We parked at a car garage on Main Street and took a few photos of the trail facing South. We then headed North to the main parking lot. The snow was very deep, but it looked like it had been plowed at some point, as there was a slight depression on the trail. There were footprints, but they stopped in the middle of the bridge. After that point, we were the first ones on the trail. It was so beautiful. We saw some interesting tracks in the snow that started and stopped abruptly, and were not accompanied by human footprints. We walked all the way to Lock 2. We didn't plan to go that far, we just couldn't help it - it was so beautiful.
Our next stop was Canal Fulton. Again the parking lot was not plowed, so we parked in a public parking lot up the street. I walked south down the street next to the ice cream shop. The trail - which ran on the other side of the shop was not passable. I got to the park, but only went a few feet in - the snow was just too deep. I went back up the ally where Kay was, heading North. We took some photos and went back to the car. We drove south to the Lake street area. We couldn't go south at all because the snow had been plowed in front of the trail, blocking it. We took some photos of the river and went North under Lake street.
We then stopped at Towpath trail. Very deep snow again. Ran into some cross country skiers. I walked down to the Rt. 21 bridge. The trees were very snow covered here. When we went to leave, we got stuck trying to get back out to Erie. A man who lived on the next street South of Towpath trail where we got stuck, pushed us out. On our way home, we stopped at both Forty Corners and Highmill. The snow was very deep in both locations so we didn't venture far from the car. Overall, a very wonderful day.
Sunny, 22 degrees, deep snow.
Snow as barricade
It is winter after all
Amiable sun