Starting Weather: Partly Cloudy, 78°
Ending Weather: Partly Cloudy, 81°
Distance Covered: 3.4 miles
Time: 2:04 PM - 4:35 PM
Today we went to the Big bend area on the northern end of cascade Valley and southern end of Sand Run. As I was walking along the trail, I was startled by a deer who approached the trail on the left. It stood there for several seconds and stated, then let out a loud yelp and turned tail and ran back into the woods. I had never heard a deer make such a loud sound before. Shortly after that, I saw another deer with a fawn just inside the woods. Again, she stared for a couple seconds and then turned and ran with her fawn. I hadn't been to this part of the trail since there was several inches of snow on the ground, so it was a very different experience today. When I got back to where Kay was stationed on the trail, ready to brag about the deer I'd seen, she wasn't at all impressed. She had just photographed doe suckling two fawns. We spotted several other deer before we left, as well as some cedar waxwings and lots of bugs.
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