Starting Weather: Partly Sunny, 87°
Ending Weather: Partly Sunny, 88°
Distance Covered: 1.36 miles
Time: 1:13 PM - 3:00 PM
Today we went to the Vanderhoof trailhead, It was very hot,, about 88 degrees, and the sun was scorching. We only walked about a half mile in, drinking water furiously. It is hard to believe that a few short months ago, we had t leave this spot because of the freezing drizzle, and that there were times we couldn't walk the trail at all because the snow was too deep. We actually long for the cooler weather now, since it is much more conducive to hiking. We were able to photograph several types of insects, including butterflies, dragonflies and bumble bees. It's always fun to note what each month will bring at each location. This was an area we came to in the winter to photograph birds. Now the place is filled with wildflowers and bugs.

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