Common Grackle |
Gray Catbir |
Starting Weather: Mostly Sunny, 71°
Ending Weather: Mostly Sunny, 72°
Distance Covered: 1.99 miles
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:55 PM
Red-wing Blackbird |
Today I went to Lake Street and walked south. The difference in this area since we first cam here in January is stunning. The starkness of January has been replaced with June's green growth. Birds could be heard everywhere, but not seen as well, because of the leaves on the trees. Geese swam in the river, just like in January, but this time they were accompanied by their young. I almost felt sad, longing for the winter days when we were still exploring the unknown, and we unable to imagine what the area would look like in the spring. I took photos of several landmarks for comparison through the seasons. When I came back to the parking lot, i noticed a "Towpath Trail Safety Stop," a tent that had been set up to distribute drinks and bicycle bells. As I started taking photos, a woman who had pulled up to the tent on a bike proceeded to fall off her bike. So much for safety. :-)
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