Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10 - Peninsula, Boston, Hunt Farm

Tiger Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail

Starting Weather: Sunny, 78
Ending Weather: Partly Sunny, 84°
Distance Covered:  4.17 miles
Time: 11:18 AM-4:34 PM
We decided to start out in Peninsula today, since we hadn't been here for awhile.  It was hot, but there was shade and a little breeze.  I opted to walk all the way to the Boston Store, so Kay hung out in Peninsula fro awhile, then drove to Boston.  It was interesting to see the cow parsnip which had been so green and lush last time; now it looked brown and dead for the most part.  I cam across a hornet's nest, abuzz with activity, in a tree just off the trail.  Butterflies are everywhere, and identifying them has become a challenge.  I learned that all white butterflies are not the same.  I photographed a white butterflies as it flitted from flower to flower, but learned later that there were actually two distinctively different white butterflies.  It's still so amazing to me to see all the birds, insects, and other animals and plants that I'd never noticed before, mainly because I never took the time to look.

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