Starting Weather: Mostly Cloudy 67°
Ending Weather: Partly Cloudy 69°
Distance Covered: 3.63 miles
Time: 12:16 PM - 3:05 PM

Today was a perfectly beautiful day. The temperature was in the high 60's, there was a nice breeze, and the blue sky was punctuated with big, fluffy clouds. It was heaven being out on the trail. I kept wishing everyday could be like today, and that I could spend every day like this. We drove north to Bacci Park in Cuyahoga Heights. We walked south over the two very cool, white footbridges. The clouds served to enhance the view. We turned around north of the I-480 bridges, and headed north. I can't imagine being anywhere else in the world and enjoying it any more. I walked almost all the way the the Krieger Center, but decided to turn around and meet Kay, then both drive up there.
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