Starting Weather: Partly Cloudy 61°
Ending Weather: Mostly Cloudy 60°
Distance Covered: 6.1 miles
Time: 9:58 AM - 4:22 PM

Today we sort of blew it. The Akron Roadrunner marathon took place, much of it right on the Towpath Trail, but we didn't make it up there in time to get photos of the runners. We didn't get there as it was winding down, but we missed some pretty dramatic photo opportunities. We hung out in the area for awhile. Always a favorite is downtown Akron! We then headed to Big bend, in an attempt to see the big steam engine that would be pulling the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad today. We did see it pass by, but were too close. We decided to go to Deep Lock Quarry to get a glimpse of its next run later in the afternoon. There is a bridge crossing the Cuyahoga River, which we decided would afford a great view. We saw the train go by, but heading north it had the steam engine on the tail end. We waited for at least two hours for its return. It was worth the wait, just to hear the loud, dramatic whistle, but my camera froze at the moment the train passed across the bridge.
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