New York Aster |

Starting Weather: Mostly Cloudy 79°
Ending Weather: Partly Cloudy 74°
Distance Covered: 1.8 mile

Time: 6:02 PM - 7:22 PM
Shadow Darner Dragonfly |
This was an after-work hike, so we got a late start. It's amazing how much earlier it has been getting dark. We went to Vanderhoof and spent some time in the parking lot, perusing the wildflowers. We then headed south. There are some very nice views of distant trees from the trail here, and they were starting to show some fall color. I had remembered from hiking here few years ago that there was a field to the east of the trail where there were large flocks of blackbirds. These blackbirds - or their descendants- were here today in the same spot. They were very loud, and moved from tree to tree in large flocks. It was amazing to see and hear. We noticed at a little after 7:00 PM that it was as dark then as it had been at about 9:00 PM just two months ago. Summer is indeed winding down, as well it should, since this is the LAST DAY OF SUMMER!!
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