Starting Weather: Partly Cloudy, 76°
Ending Weather: Partly Cloudy, 74°
Distance Covered: 1.39 miles
Time: 5:38 PM - 6:38 PM
A Turkey Vulture soars overhead |
This was an early evening, after-work hike. We had gone south from Clinton 2 days ago, so this time we decided to go north. Lots and lots or Turkey Vultures here - all summer long. There are usually several of them circling above, although we can't figure out why. One very striking development today concerned the canal here - it was devoid of water. Kay walked down into the canal bed and found that it was extremely soggy and "like quicksand," but no water. This is the same area of the canal where we had stalked a Great Blue Heron fishing less than two weeks ago. We are going to have to investigate this phenomenon, especially since other areas we have visited, including just south of here, have water in the canal. I walked to the overlook in an attempt to photographs the swarms of Goldfinches feeding on the thistle, but as I was walking towards the lookout point, I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye, just to the north. It turned out to be a doe and two fawns walking onto the trail. I began photographing them, but of course they headed right back into the woods within seconds of their appearance. It's always a thrill to see deer on the trail!
A White-tailed doe and her two fawns on the trail |
Kay in the dry but gooey canal bed |
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