Today I decided to finish as much of the Barberton segment as possible. Kay and I went to the Snyder Road trailhead and started walking north. She realized she'd brought the wrong lens. She asked if she could go back to the car and drive to the next trailhead, where she's meet me. I agreed, thinking the next trailhead was about half a mile up. Normally I wouldn't care, but this was a creepy day and a creepy area, and no one else was around. When it turned out there was no trailhead where I'd thought and that Kay would have to drive even farther north, leaving me to walk alone that much farther, I was not a happy hiker. Lo and behold, I finally saw her walking towards me from the southern trailhead on Fairview.
We walked up to the State Road bridge (where I'd left off last Sunday)and back. Went to the car and drove south on Vanderhoof, where we could see the trail under construction just to the west. As soon as that's done, a huge section of trail will flow uninterrupted. Can't wait!
A car on the trail
Litter strewn in the canal
Not my favorite spot
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