Starting Weather: Sunny, 82°
Ending Weather: Clear, 78°
Distance Covered: 1.29 miles
Time: 6:46 PM - 10:50 PM
Another adventure. We got the idea that we should go back home by way of Riverview Road, so we could stop at the Beaver Marsh and catch the sunset, the moonrise, the beaver, and possibly some other nocturnal animals. We did witness a beautiful sunset, and Kay stalked the beaver for a bit, getting a few good shots. After that, things fell apart. I got online on my phone to see what time the moon would rise. It said 10:14 PM. My phone battery was running low, so I went by the first site that came up, which was somewhere in New Hampshire. After waiting until almost 11:00 for the moon, long after every other human being had left the boardwalk, we decided that we'd go back to the car, charge our phones, and try to figure out exactly where the moon was. Kay had a headlamp that she wore to illuminate the trail. Just as we turned right to go to the parking lot, we saw a vehicle turn into the lot from Riverview Road. We both initially thought it was a park ranger or police officer, until we realized the vehicle had a headlight out. Things then seemed to become a whole lot more sinister. It was a man in an old van. You've never seen two "mature" women run so fast- both carrying cameras and tripods - get in the car, stash the gear and peal out of the parking lot! We saw the moon somewhere over Akron on the way home.
Note to self: Need to bone up on geography; not exactly close to New Hampshire.
Another note to self: Stop watching all those Criminal Minds reruns.