Starting Weather: Rainy, 72°
Ending Weather: Partly Sunny, 80°
Distance Covered: 4.28 miles on bike, .36 mile on foot
Time: 10:58 AM - 2:35 PM
Today was a day of exploration. We drove to Zoarville, where the beautiful Fink Truss Bridge is located. My plan was to ride the trail on my bike to the Dover Dam. It was kind of stormy when we got there, but not really raining much. My plan was to ride my bike to the Dover Dam, about two miles each way. Kay was going to stay behind and take photos near the bridge. When I was over halfway to the damn, Kay called and told me that the sky looked really black and I should turn around. The problem was that even once I arrived at the damn, there was no shelter, nor was there any access to the road. Even if I had made it to the dam, if it had been storming, I'd have been stranded. So I turned around. We went back to the car for awhile, and drove south on Route 8000 to see if there was a trailhead anywhere near the road. We could not find one,, even though it appeared on the map that the trail went right up to Route 416 off 800. We turned around and drove back to Zoarville. The sky had started clearing by now, so I rode my back all the way to the dam. It was a pretty area with pine trees and tulips trees. there was a walkway that led to the dam from the trail, and it was elevated above the trees, so that I was eye level with the tops of the trees. It looked like the trail continued, but I didn't want to venture any further, as we could not find where the trail went from here or where it lead to any roads. I turned around and rode back to where Kay was.
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