Starting Weather: Clear, 65°
Ending Weather: Sunny, 75°
Distance Covered: 1.47 miles
Time: 6:05 AM - 10:27 AM

We just can't seem to beat the sunrise! We left the house at 5:15 a.m., but it was light out by the time we arrived at the Beaver Marsh. It was still beautiful, though, with the mist rising off the water, and the sun shining through the trees. We saw a beaver getting ready for bed, and a wood duck mama with her 6 ducklings. Kay spotted a new robin's nest with the robin in residence. No babies visible yet. Kay decided to stay in the area and take photos, while I walked north towards Deep Lock Quarry. She picked me up on Riverview near a path that led out from the trail, about a mile south of Route 303 and about a third of a mile south of the Deep Lock parking lot. We went to the Winking Lizard for lunch before heading off to Brecksville.
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