The first day of May, here already. The forecast is calling for thunderstorms from late morning into the afternoon. When we arrived at the Beaver Marsh at 7:45, it was 67 degrees and mostly cloudy. As always, the area was a photographer's paradise. After spending a couple hours on the boardwalk, I walked up to Everett Road, where Kay picked me up. Of course, everything is so much greener now than it was last time I walked up here.
Kay then dropped me off at Deep Lock Quarry. I walked to the Towpath Trail from the parking lot. The stretch from Deep Lock to Peninsula is one I had only partially covered before today. I spent some time in Peninsula, and continued walking north. One of my favorite parts of the trail is where it passes underneath the I-2711 and I-80 bridges. These are very high bridges and very dramatic-looking. It started to rain about this time, so I covered my camera with my sweatshirt. My camera battery ran out at this time also, something I hadn't experienced before. Luckily, I had a spare! I continued on the the Boston Store, where I picked up a great map of the trail. I walked across the street to the Trail Mix store, a store run by the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, which sells refreshments, hiker's aids, and books and maps about the park. I got something to eat and drink, and continued north. The rain subsided, and I saw a raccoon in the canal - our first raccoon sighting so far. When I got to the Red Lock trailhead on Highland Road, I continued north for about a quarter mile, but ended up called Kay (who was in Brecksville photographing eaglets!) and told her I'd had enough walking for the day. She came and got me, and we were both amazed at how many hundreds of photos we had taken today!
Natural, man-made
All combine with great beauty
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