Caterpillar silk |
Viceroy |
Starting Weather: Partly Cloudy, 86°
Ending Weather: Partly Cloudy, 85°
Distance Covered: 1.73 miles
Time: 5:17 PM - 6:38 PM
Today we went to Warmington Road, on the southern end of Massillon. We've had great luck here before, so we were sure we'd see something good. It was fairly hot, so we didn't plan to walk far. We walked about 3/4 of a mile in, to the area where we had seen a green heron in the canal a few months ago. Nothing earth-shattering today, except that I saw a pretty caterpillar tent in a tree, and it was illuminated from behind by the sun. We saw a few butterflies, including one that was languishing on the trail and appeared to be injured. Even though we didn't see any exotic species, it was still a nice hike.