Starting Weather: Sunny, 73°
Ending Weather: Sunny, 80°
Distance Covered: 2.95 miles
Time: 11:07 AM - 1:18 PM
Yellow Crab Spider |
Black-and-yellow Argiope Spider |
This morning I made an attempt to beat the heat. I went back to Vanderhoof. I was alone this time; Kay had to take some photos at church and would be occupied for several hours. Both spiders were still where they had been yesterday. The bee on the flower was gone, apparently having been consumed by the big yellow spider. I walked south for about a mile and a half.south, towards Center Road, but not all the way. I heard lots of birds, but saw very few. I did see a male Goldfinch on a branch with another bird its size, only paler. I assumed it was a female Goldfinch, but when I looked at my photos later, I saw that it was a bluish color with a yellow cap. This warrants further investigation. Lots of bike riders on the trails these days; we walkers are way outnumbered.
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