Replica Lock-keeper's House |
Starting Weather: Sunny, 85°
Ending Weather: Clear, 84°
Distance Covered: .8 mile
Time: 6:54 PM - 7:33 PM
Brown-headed Cowbirds flocking |
The last day of August - 8 months down. The end of a month is always bittersweet. We are happy to be moving through the months, but we know that once they are gone, they are done for this project. I didn't have a lot of time left before it got dark, so i decided to go to Lock 4. The flowers are fading there, no butterflies tonight. I did see some blue jays on a dead tree, and several flocks of brown-headed cowbirds flying overhead. I heard a couple of unusual bird calls, but didn't see the birds. If Kay had been with me, she'd have either known by listening what the birds were, or been able to spot them in the trees. Nice little hike, goodbye August!
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